C.H.I.L.D. has partnered up with A.I.R.

Now offering certified C.O.R.E.

A.I.R. C.H.I.L.D. Courses and programs can be used to meet court ordered rehabilitation education (C.O.R.E.) requirements. American Integrity Rehabilitation (AIR) has partnered up with C.H.I.L.D. collaborating on childcare training, parenting and domestic violence courses and programs, including certified coaching. Life skills enrichment certificates will carry duel certification!
American Integrity Rehabilitation Education (AIR) Online Courses for Use in Court or Probation https://americanintegrity.thinkific.com

Court/Probation/Parole Education Services:

Certified Documents Included: Enrollment Proof, Certificate and Workbook.

  • 100% Online Courses

    eCourses, listed in categories below are 100% online and includes an account containing enrollment proof, course progress, certificates of accomplishment.

  • Hybrid ePrograms

    Live ePrograms contain online content and 1-hour of live coaching - Includes: enrollment proof, certificate of accomplishment and coaching session workbook, [email protected]

  • Certified eCoaching Sessions

    Purchase additional coaching: 1-hour session, $50 - Receive a coaching journal with coaching video links and question and answer feedback sessions, [email protected].

Child Maltreatment Abuse and Neglect

Includes certificate, free

Child abuse/neglect are serious public health problems that have long-term impact on health, opportunity, and wellbeing. This course includes all types of abuse / neglect against a child under the age of 18.
American Integrity Rehabilitation Education for Court or on Probation and Child Happiness Institute of Love Development Child Maltreatment Child Abuse Online Course

Abuso Y Negligencia Por Maltrato Infantil

Incluye certificado, Gratis

El abuso/negligencia infantil son problemas graves que tienen un impacto a largo plazo en la salud, las oportunidades y el bienestar. Este curso incluye todo tipo de abuso/negligencia contra un niño menor de 18 años.
A.I.R. American Integrity Rehabilitation Education for Court or Probation and C.H.I.L.D. - Child Care Professional Education for clock hours for child care professionals.

Parenting for Teen Parents/Co-parents, Child Nurturing

Includes Certificate, Free

This course is designed for juvenile and young adult parents. Includes child nurturing discipline, child development and child maltreatment awareness, prevention and intervention.
A.I.R. C.H.I.L.D. Child Happiness Institute of Love Development Childcare Professional Continuing Education Online Courses for Certified Clock Hours Available at https://child.thinkific.com

Crianza Y Disciplina De Los Niños Por Parte De Padres Jóvenes Y Adolescentes.

Incluye certificado, gratis

Este curso está diseñado para padres jóvenes y adolescentes. Incluye disciplina infantil, crianza infantil, desarrollo infantil y conciencia y prevención del maltrato.ation.
C.H.I.L.D. Child Happiness Institute of Love Development Childcare Professional Continuing Education Online Courses for Certified Clock Hours Available at https://child.thinkific.com


Domestic Violence Awareness

This is a victims empowerment A.I.R. course designed to create awareness of domestic violence and abuse and serve as battery intervention and prevention. Healthy relationships are empowering!
C.H.I.L.D. Child Happiness Institute of Love Development Childcare Professional Continuing Education Online Courses for Certified Clock Hours Available at https://child.thinkific.com


Concienciación Sobre La Violencia Doméstica

Este es un empoderamiento de víctimas A.I.R. curso diseñado para crear conciencia sobre la violencia y el abuso domésticos y servir como intervención y prevención de agresiones. ¡Las relaciones saludables son fortalecedoras!
C.H.I.L.D. Childcare professional continuing education online courses for certified clock hours available at https://child.thinkific.com

Parenting, Co-parenting, Child Nurturing Discipline and Family Stabilization

Parenting eCoaching Available, $50 Per Session Hour

This Certified Parenting course covers co-parenting, child nurturing discipline and healthy family relationship education. Also include abuse/maltreatment/domestic violence awareness and prevention. Includes Certificate, Workbook and weekly emailed course completion reminders. Online course hours available: 24, 32, 40, 48, 56, 64, 72, 104 - for Parenting eCoaching, email [email protected]
C.H.I.L.D. Childcare Professional Continuing Education Online Courses for Certified Clock Hours Available at https://child.thinkific.com


More courses coming soon!

A.I.R. is a court ordered rehabilitation education school offering online courses and live programs certified for court, probation or on parole. A.I.R. education has been providing services for the Harris County, Texas JP Court Program since 2015. To learn more, visit americanintegrity.thinkific.com
American Integrity Rehabilitation Education (AIR) Online Courses for Use in Court or Probation https://americanintegrity.thinkific.com

Need more courses for court or probation?

NCOei has over 300 course titles available!

Course titles: Anger Management, Decision Making, Impulse Control, Behavior Modification, Cognitive Skills, Theft Prevention, Truancy, Curfew, Trespassing, Weapons Possession, HIV/AIDS, Drugs and Alcohol, MIP, PI, DOEP, Tobacco Law, DWI/DUI, Life Skills, Bad Check, Credit Card Fraud and more...
NCOei National Court Ordered Education Institute Court/Probation/Parole Online Courses Available at https://ncoei.thinkific.com