Court Ordered Rehabilitation Education

Online Course

Certified by the Child Happiness Institute of Love Development C.H.I.L.D. Mental Health Advisory Board.
A.I.R. American Integrity Rehabilitation Education for Court or Probation and C.H.I.L.D. - Child Care Professional Education for clock hours for child care professionals.

Course Contents

Includes Enrollment Proof and Instant Certification


    C.H.I.L.D. Mental Health Advisory Board certifies all educational content as containing transformational rehabilitation education.


    Online courses includes enrollment proof, weekly email reminders and a certificate of online course completion.


    The DV/BIPP Coaching and Education Program is an interactive online program where students and instructors dive into topics.


A.I.R. and C.H.I.L.D. Presents:

Domestic violence, must be identified and reported if we are to keep our families safe and happy. This course is designed to educate families and batterers about identification, prevention, and healing family and intimate partner abuse and violence with confidence and compassion.

Domestic violence has a long-term devastating impact on the affected child, current and future families, communities, and society as a whole.

This A.I.R. C.H.I.L.D. online course was created by the Child Happiness Institute of Love Development operated by Belinda Bane and Valerie Joglar in alignment with guidelines set by the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services, Child Care Licensing Division, and the Center for Disease Control and Prevention.

 Included: enrollment proof, course completion reminders emailed weekly and certificate of completion.

Value: Credit Hours 

eCourse Curriculum

Online content:

  • 1

    Chapter 1: Understanding Domestic Violence

    • Welcome! Below, find important introduction information about your online course...


    • Resources and programs to serve you RIGHT NOW: Connect with services in your area by clicking the list below or speak with someone immediately by calling the National Domestic Violence Hotline at (800) 799-SAFE (7233) or (800) 787-3224 (TTY)

    • The general pattern of domestic violence is that abuse gets worse over time. If you can identify the signs of abuse early on in the relationship, you may have a better chance of getting out safely.

    • (27:48) The Victim Control Dynamic (Escaping Control Drama in Relationships) - Teal Swan -

    • (22:38) Why You Can't Leave The Relationship (Intermittent Reinforcement) - Teal Swan -

    • What Does a Healthy Relationship Look Like? Healthy relationships involve honesty, trust, respect and open communication between partners and they take effort and compromise from both people. There is no imbalance of power.

    • (17:33) How to Attract A Water Relationship Ralph Smart Channel Infinite Waters (diving deep)

    • Report Abuse, Neglect, or Exploitation: Report Abuse By Phone: 1-800-252-5400 Online:

    • Quiz: DV/BIPP VIP


Child Care Training

Online Educational Courses

C.H.I.L.D. Child Happiness Institute of Love Development: the ultimate source of clock hours for child care professionals at
Child Care Professional Education for clock hours for child care professionals.