Child Care Training

Online Course

Certified by the Child Happiness Institute of Love Development
Child Care Professional Education for clock hours for child care professionals.

Course Contents

Certified Clock Hours for Child Care Professionals

  • Child Development

    Knowing how children develop is essential to nurturing conscious discipline and positive reinforcement.

  • Discipline Styles

    Expand your knowledge about the different discipline styles to better understand different modalities.

  • Positive Reinforcement

    Psychologists agree that positive reinforcement results in positive behavior change in children.

Conscious Nurturing, Positive Child Discipline 102

Training and Education for Child Care Professionals

This course is advanced nurturing conscious discipline education about the art of positive, love based discipline and includes, coaching strategies and techniques by child discipline masters. A brief review of child emotional and social developmental stages is covered. Knowing how children develop socially and emotionally is essential in providing effective positive discipline. Examine the different types positive discipline techniques and strategies and how they relate to social and emotional development in children.

Also presented are brain research studies supporting various child discipline theories as well as techniques, strategies and methods used by the masters of nurturing, positive and conscious discipline in children. Learn how to  recognize developmental differences among typically developing children as well as ways to consider if a specific discipline strategy meets a child’s developmental stage. 

The importance of emotional and social development activities and why play is the optimal mode for learning and supporting children’s development and strategies to plan engaging discipline experiences are explained.

This online course was created by the Child Happiness Institute of Love Development operated by Belinda Bane and Valerie Joglar in alignment with guidelines set by the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services, Child Care Licensing Division, and the Center for Disease Control and Prevention.

Included: enrollment proof, course completion reminders emailed weekly and certificate of completion.

Value: Certified Clock Hours for Child Care Professionals

eCourse Curriculum

Child Care Professional Continuing Education

  • 1

    Chapter 1: Social Emotional Child Growth and Development Practical Application

    • Welcome! Below, find important introduction information about your online course...

    • Entry Survey: Introduction to Nurturing, Conscious Discipline

    • Social and Emotional Intelligence: An Introductory Guide. The social and emotional intelligence definition refers to the ability to be aware of one’s own feelings in the present moment.

    • Social & Emotional Development Promoting Social-Emotional Development: Positive Relationships Establishing and maintaining positive relationships is a vital part of a school-age child’s social-emotional development.

    • (03:27) Social-Emotional Development: Positive Relationships - How it's done - 5/14/2024

    • Promoting Social-Emotional Development: Experiences and Activities: Children will naturally practice social skills and behaviors during opportunities for play. This lesson gives you information on why play is important for social-emotional development

    • Place infants next to one another on a blanket on the floor – comment on what you notice the infants doing Place a safe mirror low on the wall so that infants can look into the mirror and see themselves and others Model and use words that describe actions

    • Social Skills: Games and Activities Resource List. Learn about classic team-building activities for kids, including indoor and outdoor games: group jump rope; traffic lights, forehead dots; birthday line up; trust walk; finger tip hula hoop and more.

    • 20 Evidence-Based Social Skills Activities and Games for Kids. Activities and games for socialization are a great way for your child to learn how to behave around their peers, no matter if he is a toddler, preschooler or if he just started kindergarten.

    • (28:40) Practical Strategies for Teaching Social Emotional Skills by Pyramid Model 5/14/2024

    • (11:40) Preschool at Home: 8 Self Regulation Activities for Toddlers | Social Emotional Learning by Up We Grow 5/14/2024

    • Quiz: Social Emotional Child Growth & Development Practical Application

  • 2

    Chapter 2: Brain Research and Emotional States of Consciousness

    • (02:57) Dr. Becky Bailey Shows How To Demonstrate The Brain Hand by Conscious Discipline 5/14/2024

    • Conscious Discipline is a social-emotional learning program. Designed by Dr. Becky Bailey, the program supports first teaching ourselves about self-control and self-regulation, and then teaching children.

    • Healthy Classrooms, Emotional Intelligence, and Brain Research. The implementation of “social emotional learning” is a method for developing the skills of emotional intelligence.

    • The Conscious Discipline Brain State Model A multidisciplinary approach based on three distinct brain-body states in adults and children that drive behavior. A Neurodevelopmental Model that Focuses on Internal States First and Behavior Second.

    • (03:57) The Science of Early Childhood Development by Harvard Graduate School of Education 5/14/2024

    • (04:05) How a child's brain develops through early experiences by NSPCC 5/14/2024

    • (03:14) What is Neuroplasticity? by Plasticity Centers 5/14/2024

    • Dr. Brenda Fitzgerald is leveraging the simple practice of talking to babies and toddlers to nourish their brains and set them up for better performance in school and life.

    • (05:36) Dr. Bruce Lipton Explains HOW WE ARE PROGRAMMED AT BIRTH (an eye opening video) Be Inspired 8.92M subscribers 5/14/2024

    • (05:28) Got Kids Ages 0-7? Dr. Bruce Lipton Reveals Secrets To Teaching Positive Behavior From Birth by Max Rhymes 5/14/2024

    • Quiz: Brain Research and Emotional States of Consciousness

  • 3

    Chapter 3: Power Struggles, Composure and Logical Consequences

    • 3-Step Positive Parenting System: Respond instead of Reacting to a Child. Step One: Acknowledge Your Child’s Feelings. Step Two: Physically Connect To Help Diffuse a Child’s Emotions. Step Three: Teach Your Child Positive Behavior and Healthy Expressions.

    • (08:22) Say Goodbye to Power Struggles with your Kids - Play Therapy Parenting® w/ Dr. Brenna Hicks by kidcounselorbrenna 5/14/2024

    • (16:46) How To Avoid Power Struggles With Your Child by Nicholeen Peck - Teaching Self Government 5/14/2024

    • (02:44) Avoid Power Struggles & Get Kids to Cooperate the First Time! by The Parenting Junkie 5/14/2024

    • (03:00) The Problem with Power Struggles by Polly Bath

    • (05:12) Mental Health Specialists Decrease Power Struggles, Holds and Conflict With Conscious Discipline by Conscious Discipline

    • (09:54) Composure - from the Conscious Discipline LIVE! DVD Set by Conscious Discipline

    • (07:42) Using Logical Consequences - Conscious Discipline Skills

    • Quiz: Power Struggles, Composure and Logical Consequences

  • 4

    Chapter 4: How to Manage Temper Tantrums Successfully

    • Temper tantrums are equally common in boys and girls and usually happen between the ages of 1 to 3. Some kids may have tantrums often, and others have them rarely. Tantrums are a normal part of child development.

    • Temper tantrums in toddlers: How to keep the peace Temper tantrums are a normal part of growing up. Find out how to respond to temper tantrums — and what you can do to prevent them.

    • (06:49) The Secret World of Temper Tantrums by SciShow Psych 5/14/2024

    • (12:29) What To Do When Your Child Throws A Temper Tantrum by Live On Purpose TV 5/14/2024

    • (09:26) Jordan Peterson - How to deal with your Child's Temper Tantrums by Bite-sized Philosophy 5/14/2024

    • (18:26) MONTESSORI AT HOME: How to Handle Toddler Frustration by Hapa Family 5/14/2024

    • (06:33) Handling Temper Tantrums - Conscious Discipline Skills by Conscious Discipline 5/14/2024

    • (04:26) I Have a Bad Child - I'm Out of Control, What Do I Do? by Teal Swan 5/14/2024

    • Quiz: How to Manage Temper Tantrums Successfully

  • 5

    Chapter 5: Child Mental Health Coaching

    • 40% of children are missing an important skill for lifelong success: self-regulation. Feeling Buddies teach children a five-step self-regulation process that helps them recognize their triggers, label their feelings and accept and manage emotions.

    • Positive Discipline Coaching Phrases.

    • (10:15) Expert Dr. Becky Bailey explains how to go conscious not crazy with our kids! by Conscious Discipline 5/14/2024

    • (06:13) Shifting Your Classroom from Control to Connection Will Decrease Problems and Increase Learning by Conscious Discipline 5/14/2024

    • (03:35) S.T.A.R. Breathing Tool by Conscious Discipline 5/14/2024

    • (06:43) Feeling Buddies - Tips from the Creator Dr. Becky Bailey by Conscious Discipline 5/14/2024

    • (01:19) Parents Use "And" Instead of "But" by Conscious Discipline 5/14/2024

    • (06:47) Dr. Becky Bailey - Anger - Coach kids through it! 5/14/2024

    • (06:43) Dr. Becky Bailey - Happiness - Coach kids through it! by Conscious Discipline 5/14/2024

    • (05:39) Dr. Becky Bailey - Fear - Coach kids through it! by Conscious Discipline 5/14/2024

    • (06:01) Dr. Becky Bailey - Sadness - Coach kids through it! by Conscious Discipline 5/14/2024

    • Quiz: The Art of Discipline Strategies and Techniques

  • 6

    Chapter 6: Conscious Empowerment and Conflict Resolution Skills

    • Seven Powers for Conscious Adults: The biggest threat to a child’s sense of safety is an out-of-control adult. The key to safety is a conscious, mindful adult.

    • (28:38) Power of Perception - Dr. Becky Bailey - "Becoming the Best You Can Be" Webinar Series by Conscious Discipline 5/14/2024

    • (15:10) Episode 60: Creating Optimal Relationships for Optimal Learning by Conscious Discipline 5/14/2024

    • (08:08) Conflict Resolution Time Machine by Conscious Discipline 5/14/2024

    • (03:57) I Choose Self-Control Board changes a child's state from upset to calm by Conscious Discipline 5/14/2024

    • Quiz: Conscious Empowerment and Conflict Resolution Skills

    • Exit Survey: Conscious Nurturing, Positive Child Discipline 102

Child Care Training

Online Educational Courses

C.H.I.L.D. Child Happiness Institute of Love Development: the ultimate source of clock hours for child care professionals at
Child Care Professional Education for clock hours for child care professionals.