Child Care Training

Online Course

Certified by the Child Happiness Institute of Love Development
Child Care Professional Education for clock hours for child care professionals.

Course Contents

Certified Clock Hours for Child Care Professionals

  • Child Development

    Knowing how children develop is essential to nurturing conscious discipline and positive reinforcement.

  • Attachment Styles

    Expand your knowledge about the different attachment styles to better understand a child's perspective.

  • Positive Reinforcement

    Psychologists agree that positive reinforcement results in positive behavior change in children.

Conscious Nurturing, Positive Child Discipline 101

Training and Education for Child Care Professionals

This course is an introduction to nurturing conscious discipline and positive reinforcement according to a child's  specific developmental stage. Knowing how children develop socially and emotionally is essential in providing effective positive discipline. Examine the different types of caregiver attachment styles and how they relate to social and emotional development in children.

Also presented are definitions of multiple terms around development and developmental stages, and methods of recognizing developmental differences among typically developing children as well as ways to consider if a specific discipline strategy meets a child’s developmental stage. 

The importance of trauma informed care and understanding adverse childhood experiences and how it affects children’s development and strategies to plan compassionate engaging learning experiences are explained.

This online course was created by the Child Happiness Institute of Love Development operated by Belinda Bane and Valerie Joglar in alignment with guidelines set by the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services, Child Care Licensing Division, and the Center for Disease Control and Prevention.

Included: enrollment proof, course completion reminders emailed weekly and certificate of completion.

Value: Certified Clock Hours for Child Care Professionals

eCourse Curriculum

Child Care Professional Continuing Education

  • 1

    Chapter 1: Infant & Toddler Emotional & Social Child Development

    • Welcome! Below, find important introduction information about your online course...

    • Entry Survey: Introduction to Conscious Nurturing, Positive Child Discipline

    • What Are Social-Emotional Skills? Social-Emotional Skills: Know the Basics.

    • Emotional & Social Development in Babies: Birth to 3 Months. By two months of age, a baby will spend much of each day watching and listening to the people around her. She learns that they will entertain and soothe her, feed her and make her comfortable.

    • Birth to 12 Months: Social-Emotional Development Starting from birth, babies are learning who they are by how they are treated.

    • Social-Emotional Development Domain. Interactions and Relationships with Adults, Interactions and Relationships with Peers, Identity of Self in Relation to Others, Recognition of Ability, Expression of Emotion, Empathy, Emotion Regulation, Impulse Control

    • (02:43) What Is Social-Emotional Development? by HopeStreetGroup 4/29/2024

    • (24:34) Dr. Catherine Monk: The Mother-Infant Relationship Before Birth & Why it Matters by Simms/Mann Institute 4/29/2024

    • (00:55) Parents’ Guide to Baby’s Social-Emotional Development by Pathways 4/29/2024

    • (03:39) Infant/Toddler Social Emotional Development by Michelle Hancock 4/29/2024

    • (04:40) Child Development Stages: Social Emotional Milestones for 2-3 Years by Nekole Amber 4/29/2024

    • Quiz: Infant & Toddler Emotional & Social Development

  • 2

    Chapter 2: Preschool & School Age Emotional & Social Child Development

    • This lesson provides an introduction to social-emotional development during the infant and toddler years. A key learning point is the significance of social-emotional skills for children’s overall development and learning.

    • A well-planned, high-quality environment can support infants’ and toddlers’ social-emotional development and learning. This lesson describes how your infant and toddler early care and learning environment can promote social-emotional growth.

    • Fostering Healthy Social & Emotional Development in Young Children Tips for EARLY Childhood Teachers and Providers

    • Social and Emotional Intelligence: An Introductory Guide. The social and emotional intelligence definition refers to the ability to be aware of one’s own feelings in the present moment.

    • Social-Emotional Development: Preschool Students. What is Social-Emotional Development in Preschoolers? Develop an understanding of social-emotional skills. Demonstrate empathy for friends, parents, and others. Form positive friendships with peers.

    • 3 Best Tools to Assess and Measure Social-Emotional Learning in Schools. Assessments give us a way of tracking and measuring students’ educational experience. They let us see what students are doing well and where they might improve.

    • (01:35) What is Social Emotional Development in Children by Milwaukee County DHHS 4/29/2024

    • (04:23) The 3 Stages of Emotional Child Development by Psych2Go 4/29/2024

    • (04:16) Early Childhood Social and Emotional Learning by WisconsinDPI 4/29/2024

    • Quiz: Preschool & School Age Emotional & Social Development

  • 3

    Chapter 3: Healthy Attachment Styles and Healthy Relationships

    • Attachment Styles in Children. The way that children build an attachment to their parents and caregivers has a significant impact on many other areas of their life.

    • The Different Types of Attachment Styles. Attachment styles are characterized by different ways of interacting and behaving in relationships. During early childhood, these attachment styles are centered on how children and parents interact.

    • Which of These Four Attachment Styles Is Yours? Your attachment style is formed early in life, and now it affects your adult relationships.

    • (07:17) The Four Attachment Styles of Love by Psych2Go 4/29/2024

    • (06:38) What Is Your Attachment Style? by The School of Life 4/29/2024

    • (07:35) The Attachment Theory: How Childhood Affects Life by Sprouts 4/29/2024

    • (03:38) Secure, Insecure, Avoidant Ambivalent Attachment in Mothers Babies by Marie Coppola 4/29/2024

    • (05:16) 8 Signs of an Anxious Attachment Style by Psych2Go 4/29/2024

    • Quiz: Healthy Attachment Styles and Healthy Relationships

  • 4

    Chapter 4: Positive, Nurturing and Conscious Discipline Styles

    • Positive Discipline is based on the understanding that discipline must be taught and that discipline teaches. Effective discipline… 1) Helps children feel a sense of connection. (Belonging and significance)

    • Positive Discipline teaches important social and life skills in a manner that is deeply respectful and encouraging for both children and adults (including parents, teachers, childcare providers, youth workers, and others).

    • Conscious Discipline is a social-emotional learning program. Designed by Dr. Becky Bailey, the program supports first teaching ourselves about self-control and self-regulation, and then teaching children.

    • 3-Step Positive Parenting System: Respond instead of Reacting to a Child. Step One: Acknowledge Your Child’s Feelings. Step Two: Physically Connect To Help Diffuse a Child’s Emotions. Step Three: Teach Your Child Positive Behavior and Healthy Expressions.

    • Positive Discipline Coaching Phrases.

    • (37:21) MONTESSORI AT HOME: Positive Discipline Examples & What To Do by Hapa Family 4/29/2024

    • (05:18) Conscious Discipline Basics - Conscious Discipline Skills by Conscious Discipline 4/29/2024

    • Quiz: Positive, Nurturing and Positive Discipline Styles

  • 5

    Chapter 5: Adverse Childhood Experiences and Trauma Informed Care

    • Adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) are potentially traumatic events in a child’s life that can have negative and lasting effects on health and well-being. These experiences occur before the age of 18 and are remembered by that child as an adult.

    • Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) have a tremendous impact on future violence victimization and perpetration, and lifelong health and opportunity. Working together, we can help create neighborhoods, communities, and a world where every child thrives.

    • Trauma-informed care shifts the focus from “What’s wrong with you?” to “What happened to you?” A trauma-informed approach to care acknowledges that health care organizations and care teams need to have a complete picture of a patient’s life situation —

    • (03:33) What is Trauma-Informed Care? by Center for Health Care Strategies 4/29/2024

    • Trauma knows no boundaries; it can be experienced by any individual at any time without regard to age, race, gender, or socioeconomic status. It’s estimated that 1 out of every 4 children have been exposed to trauma in some capacity.

    • Trauma-Informed Care understands and considers the pervasive nature of trauma and promotes environments of healing and recovery rather than practices and services that may inadvertently re-traumatize.

    • Dr. Rigg has observed how the traumatized brain is constantly reacting to sensory information, generating non-thinking reactions before our intelligent individual human brain is able to process the event and formulate a self-driven response.

    • Nadine Burke Harris, PhD, pediatrician globally known for her innovative approach to addressing Adverse Childhood Experiences, gave her speech during the "End Violence" conference that was held in Podgorica, Montenegro.

    • (04:32) We Can Prevent ACEs by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) 4/29/2024

    • Quiz: Adverse Childhood Experiences and Trauma Informed Care

  • 6

    Chapter 6: The Art of Nurturing Discipline Strategies and Techniques

    • 1-2-3 Magic is a discipline program that focuses on implementing time-outs for inappropriate behaviours. It helps adults gain control of their own emotions and eliminates a lot of talking. It helps children realize the consequences of their actions.

    • (05:00) How to use 1-2-3 Magic by 123 Magic Parenting 4/29/2024

    • (03:21) How to use 1 2 3 counting by 123 Magic Parenting 4/29/2024

    • (26:52) Dr. Becky Bailey on PBS - Shifting from Fear to Love by Conscious Discipline 4/29/2024

    • (06:47) Conscious Discipline in the Classroom by Irving Peralta 4/29/2024

    • (06:33) Handling Temper Tantrums - Conscious Discipline Skills by Conscious Discipline 4/29/2024

    • (09:35) Abraham Hicks - Wants help with childs tantrum 4/29/2024

    • Quiz: The Art of Discipline Strategies and Techniques

    • Exit Survey: Introduction to Conscious Nurturing, Positive Child Discipline 101

Child Care Training

Online Educational Courses

C.H.I.L.D. Child Happiness Institute of Love Development: the ultimate source of clock hours for child care professionals at
Child Care Professional Education for clock hours for child care professionals.